AUTHORS: NQ Arancon, CA Edwards, P Bierman, C Welch, JD Metzger
Vermicompost applications increased strawberry growth and yields significantly; including increases of up to 37% in leaf areas, 37% in plant shoot biomass, 40% in numbers of flowers, 36% in numbers of plant runners and 35% in marketable fruit weights.
5 to 10 t/ha rates of application (5-10 t/ha = 1-2 lbs/m^2)
Inorganic fertilizer was used to equalize total NPK at 85-155-125 kg/ha
24 plants were transplanted into each bed with 38 cm between plants in the row with three rows spaced 38 cm between rows
The unaided food waste vermicompost contained more C, N, Ca, Fe, K, and S than the paper waste vermicompost, whereas the paper waste vermicompost had ore B, Na, and Zn than the food waste vermicompost. The concentrations of Mn, Mg, and P and Cu were similar in both types of vermicompost
Marketable strawberry yields were greater on plants grown in plots treated with vermicomposts than from plants grown in plots treated with only inorganic fertilizers.
Plants grown in plots treated with 10 t/ha food waste vermicomposts had significantly more runners and fruits and greater marketable yields than plants in plots grown in plots receiving with 5 t/ha food waste vermicompost.
The increased amounts of humid materials in vermicomposts could also have been responsible for the increased growth and yields of strawberries we recorded.